François Vernadat

François B. Vernadat (1954) is a French and Canadian computer scientist, who has contributed to Enterprise Modelling, Integration and Networking over the last 25 years specialising in enterprise architectures, business process modelling, information systems design and analysis, systems integration and interoperability and systems analysis using Petri nets.[1]



F. Vernadat studied from 1973 until 1981 at the University of Clermont, France, where received a MA in Electronics and Automatic Control and a PhD in 1981.[2] He has been a research officer first at the National Research Council of Canada (NRCC), Ottawa, from 1981 until 1988, and then at Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA), France, until Sept. 1995. Since 1995 he has been a professor at the University of Metz in automatic control and industrial engineering, the head of the Department Automation and Industrial Engineering (AGIP) and the director of the Laboratory for Industrial and Mechanical Engineering (LGIPM). At the end of 2001, he joined the European Commission, DG Eurostat in Luxemburg, as an administrator in the IT Directorate and then moved to DG Informatics (DIGIT) until Jan 2008. Since then he is the head of the IT Infrastructure departmetn of the European Court of Auditors, another European institution.[3]

He serves as an associate editor for "Computers in Industry", "International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing" and "International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems", and is on the editorial board of "International Journal of Production Research".[3]


F. Vernadat's research work has been dealing with enterprise architectures, enterprise modelling, enterprise integration, information systems design and analysis, CIM and various aspects of industrial engineering, such as facility layout, performance evaluation, cost estimation, and competency modelling.[3]


He is the author of over 260 scientific papers in journals, conferences, and edited books. A selection:[4]

Articles, a selection:


  1. ^ Francois VERNADAT. European Court of Auditors, Directorate for Information Technology, Head of IT Infrastructure Dept, Luxembourg.
  2. ^ Arturo Molina et al. (1998). Handbook of Life Cycle Engineering: Concepts, Models, and Technologies‎. p.225.
  3. ^ a b c Enterprise Integration and Networking: Challenges and Trends, 2007. Accessed 07 Jan 2008.
  4. ^ François Vernadat List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server. Accessed 07 Jan 2008.

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